Freedom Lies in Embracing Truth John 8:32


Lying is a darkness that attempts to shroud the light inside you, beginning within your heart,  and billowing out darkness from the mouth into the ears of others. In Matthew 12:34 the scripture says it is “out of the abundance (surplus, what was left over of the broken pieces) of the heart the mouth speaks”.  In other words… “Hurt people, Hurt People”!

Hannah Arendt, (14 October 1906 – 4 December 1975) was a German historian and philosopher, wrote about her times…

"This constant lying is not aimed at making the people believe a lie, but at ensuring that no one believes anything anymore. A people that can no longer distinguish between truth and lies cannot distinguish between right and wrong.  And such a people, deprived of the power to think and judge, is, without knowing and willing it, completely subjected to the rule of lies. With such a people, you can do whatever you want."

The reality of this subject is that truth shall set you free, and a half-truth will bind you, and an outright lie will imprison you!

In a world where truth and lies intertwine, Arendt's words resonate with a profound sense of urgency. She correctly observes that the constant propagation of falsehoods is not merely an attempt to deceive people, but rather a sinister strategy to erode their ability to discern truth from fiction. This deliberate assault on the foundations of truth and morality has far-reaching consequences. It renders a society incapable of distinguishing between right and wrong.

As I was meditating this week a scripture from John’s gospel flooded my mind.

“The Truth shall set you free” was penned by John in the Gospel with his name - 8:32. The power of truth lies in its ability to guide us toward justice, mercy, and progress. (Micah 6:8) He has shown you, oh man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you, but to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God. It is the compass that helps us navigate the complexities of life and make informed decisions. However, when truth becomes muddled with falsehoods, its guiding light dims, leaving us directionless in a sea of confusion and uncertainty. The statement that a people who can no longer differentiate between truth and lies cannot discern between right and wrong strikes at the heart of the human condition.

Without the ability to discern right from wrong, we become vulnerable to manipulation and coercion. We risk becoming pawns in the hands of those who seek to exploit their ignorance and subjugate them under the rule of lies. We are rightly warned that a society deprived of the power to think critically and judge independently, unwittingly succumbs to the tyranny of falsehoods. In such a society, the foundations of descency, freedom, and justice crumble, paving the way for absolutism and oppression. 

The consequences of this erosion of truth are far-reaching. A people devoid of truth become a breeding ground for misinformation, propaganda, and conspiracy theories. In the absence of a shared understanding of reality, divisions deepen, trust disintegrates, and the pulling together fractures. The very fabric of society is torn apart as individuals retreat into echo chambers of their own beliefs, further entrenching themselves in their distorted versions of truth.

Moreover, when truth is replaced by lies, meaningful dialogue becomes impossible. Instead of engaging in reasoned conversations based on facts and evidence, individuals retreat into emotional rhetoric and personal attacks. The pursuit of truth is replaced by the pursuit of power, and the quest for understanding gives way to the perpetuation of falsehoods. In such an environment, the foundations of decency, which rely on the free exchange of ideas and the accountability of those in charge, crumble.  The apostle John’s words serve as a powerful reminder of the importance of truth in our society. They highlight the need for individuals be set free to the ability to discern truth from falsehoods, to think critically, and to judge independently. Only by reclaiming the power of truth can we resist the insidious forces that seek to manipulate and enslave us.

I saw in those earlier quotes that constant lying aims not to make people believe a lie, but to ensure that no one believes anything anymore being  a sobering reflection on the erosion of truth in our society. The consequences of this erosion are dire, as it deprives individuals of their ability to distinguish between right and wrong, rendering them susceptible to the rule of lies. It is incumbent upon us to safeguard the truth, to cultivate our critical thinking skills, and to defend the principles of Biblical justice. Only then can we reclaim our power and build a society rooted in truth, integrity, and moral clarity.

The constant propagation of falsehoods has a profound impact on a society's ability to distinguish between truth and fiction. When lies become pervasive and are presented as facts, it becomes increasingly difficult for individuals to discern what is true and what is false. This erosion of truth has several significant consequences:

1. Loss of Trust: Proverbs 12:19 - "Truthful lips endure forever, but a lying tongue is but for a moment." This verse contrasts the lasting endurance of truthful lips with the temporary nature of a lying tongue, implying that dishonesty erodes trust and can lead to its loss. When falsehoods are consistently spread, trust in leaders, and even fellow citizens diminishes. People become skeptical and question the reliability of information sources. The erosion of trust makes it harder for individuals to rely on others for accurate information, leading to a breakdown in social cohesion.

2. Confirmation Bias and Echo Chambers: Proverbs 23:23 "Buy truth, and do not sell it; buy wisdom, instruction, and understanding." This verse encourages the acquisition of truth along with wisdom, instruction, and understanding, emphasizing the importance of seeking diverse perspectives and avoiding the trap of confirmation bias or echo chambers.  The constant propagation of falsehoods often leads to the formation of echo chambers and confirmation bias. People tend to seek out information that aligns with their pre-existing beliefs, and falsehoods can reinforce these biases. As a result, individuals become less open to considering alternative viewpoints and are more susceptible to misinformation.

3. Normalization of Deception: Ephesians 4:25 - "Therefore, having put away falsehood, let each one of you speak the truth with his neighbor, for we are members one of another." This verse emphasizes the importance of putting away falsehood and speaking the truth with one's neighbor, highlighting the negative consequences of deception becoming normalized.  Let me say, truth is, there are only 2 genders, not 3 or 300, truth is, marriage is for a man and a women… be fruitful and multiply can’t happen between two guys or two gals, truth is, the fetus (the word comes from a Latin word that means offspring) is a living soul, truth is, there is only one God and above Him there is no other! When falsehoods are consistently presented as truth, there is a risk of normalizing deception. Over time, people may become desensitized to lies and manipulations, making it easier for those in power to deceive and manipulate the public. This normalization of deception undermines the foundations of trust and integrity in society.

4. Polarization and Division: 1 Peter 1:22 - "Having purified your souls by your obedience to the truth for a sincere brotherly love, love one another earnestly from a pure heart."  This verse speaks to the purification of souls through obedience to the truth, leading to sincere brotherly love and earnest love for one another from a pure heart. It highlights the potential for unity and overcoming division through truth and love. Falsehoods can exacerbate existing divisions within society. Different groups may believe in and propagate their own versions of truth, leading to heightened polarization. This polarization hampers constructive dialogue, stifles empathy, and deepens societal divisions.

5. Diminished Critical Thinking: Psalm 119:160 - "The sum of Your Word is Truth, and every one of Your righteous rules endures forever." This verse affirms that the sum of God's Word is truth and that His righteous rules endure forever, suggesting the importance of seeking truth rather than relying on biased or limited thinking.

The constant exposure to falsehoods can erode critical thinking skills. When misinformation is abundant, individuals may become overwhelmed and find it challenging to discern credible information. This can lead to a loss of critical thinking abilities, making it easier for false narratives to take hold.

6. Undermining Unity: In a self-ruled society, the ability to discern truth from fiction is crucial for informed decision-making. When falsehoods are rampant, people may be misled, leading to uninformed choices and a weakening of the group. The erosion of truth undermines the fundamental principles of transparency, accountability, and an informed society.

So, the constant propagation of falsehoods has a detrimental impact on a society's ability to distinguish between truth and fiction. It erodes trust, reinforces biases, creates cognitive dissonance, normalizes deception, deepens divisions, diminishes critical thinking, and undermines community. Recognizing and combating the spread of falsehoods is essential to preserving the integrity of information, promoting a well-informed citizenry, and maintaining a healthy and functioning society.


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