The Act of Gazumping Oneself: Understanding Malachi 3:10

The What:

Malachi 3:10 is a scripture verse that has been widely debated and discussed among believers. It states, "Will a man rob God? Yet you are robbing me. But you say, 'How have we robbed you?' In your tithes and contributions." This verse raises the question of whether or not a man can truly rob God, considering that God is not in need of any money. In this narrative, we will explore the argument that a man does not rob God of His money but rather robs God of the pleasure of pouring out His blessings on that man who refuses to take the giving test God charges him to take.

Consider this:

1. God's Infinite Wealth:

One of the key points to understand is that God is the creator and owner of all things. He is infinitely wealthy and lacks nothing. As such, God does not require money or material possessions from humans to sustain Himself or His kingdom. He is self-sufficient and sovereign over all creation.

2. The Purpose of Tithing:

Tithing, as mentioned in Malachi 3:10, is not about fulfilling a financial need in God's kingdom but rather about the heart and attitude of the giver. It is a test and a demonstration of trust and obedience. Tithing allows individuals to acknowledge God as the ultimate source of provision and to participate in His work on earth.

3. The Blessings of Obedience:

When God challenges His people to bring their tithes and contributions, He does not do so out of a need for money but rather to invite them into a deeper relationship of trust and obedience. By obeying God's command to tithe, individuals open themselves up to the blessings and favor that flow from aligning themselves with God's principles. It is not so much that God withholds blessings from those who do not tithe, but rather that they miss out on the opportunity to experience the joy and abundance that comes with faithful giving.

4. The Pleasure of Pouring Out Blessings:

God delights in pouring out blessings on His children. When individuals refuse to take the giving test God charges them with, they deny themselves the joy of experiencing God's abundant provision and blessings. By withholding their tithes and contributions, they rob God of the opportunity to shower  His  faithfulness and provision in their lives.

5. A Matter of Trust and Relationship:

Tithing is not solely about money; it is a matter of trust and relationship with God. By willingly giving back a portion of what God has blessed them with, individuals demonstrate their trust in God's provision and their willingness to participate in His work. It is an act of worship and gratitude.

The So What:

In light of Malachi 3:10, it is clear that a man does not rob God of His money, for God does not need you to give Him money because He has some mansions in heaven that need roofing materials and He’s running low on funds.

However, a man robs God of the pleasure of pouring out His blessings on that man who refuses to take the giving test God charges him to take. Thus in robbing God, the reality is, he gazumps (look it up) himself!

Tithing is not a transactional exchange but rather a test of obedience, trust, and a demonstration of one's heart and attitude toward God. By faithfully giving back to God, individuals position themselves to experience the joy and abundance that come from aligning with God's principles. Let us embrace the giving test and open ourselves to the blessings and pleasure of God's provision in our lives.


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