First Light's Tranquility (Copy)
The first rays of sunlight bring with it every morning new mercies from God and a tranquility unmatched in any other hour of the day. Peruse this scene and take it all in. If you spend long enough you perhaps will sense that serenity as I did while sitting for hours before this canvas.
The first rays of sunlight bring with it every morning new mercies from God and a tranquility unmatched in any other hour of the day. Peruse this scene and take it all in. If you spend long enough you perhaps will sense that serenity as I did while sitting for hours before this canvas.
The first rays of sunlight bring with it every morning new mercies from God and a tranquility unmatched in any other hour of the day. Peruse this scene and take it all in. If you spend long enough you perhaps will sense that serenity as I did while sitting for hours before this canvas.